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Email Campaigns

Capture your people's attention from inside their inbox

Emails are a huge part of marketing and mPonics takes advantage of email as a form of communication to reach current and potential customers. At mPonics we utilize the best email campaigns to develop customer interactions further engaging current and potential customers into mPonics. Most importantly, email marketing can help you in lead generation.

  • Build personalized relationships with your customers.
  • Share relevant blog content information with target audience
  • Raise brand awareness
  • 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter
SMS Campaigns

Run the campaign on your terms

It's simple to start your campaign with mPonics. With the automated workflow, you can plan out how the campaign will run from beginning to end anticipating all possible movements. Either create your own or use the pre-made workflow you'll be ready to move through your campaign while focusing on the analysis and information gathering instead of the legwork.

  • Use the pre-made templates available to get started
  • Build your own from a scratch for completely custom purposes
  • Have complete control over your emails with our workflow

The fact is consumers are comfortable and familiar with emails and it can connect them to your brand multiple ways. Emails are a direct line of communication to your leads and for lead generation that is best for clearly conveying what you want to say.

SMS Campaigns