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Access to mobile communication is far easier than you may think. Reach a wider, more specific audience who wants to listen to you with SMS campaigns. These days people rarely leave home without their phones, and for many, it's the first thing they see in the morning, so use mPonics get in touch with a wider demographic. Launching an SMS campaign gets you in touch with anyone who has a smartphone and is willing to listen to your message. Since customers can both opt-in and opt-out, you'll be working with leads interested in your product rather than wasting your time reaching those who would rather ignore you.


While many people prefer marketing through emails, marketing through messaging is just as, if not more, effective. It takes people an average of 90 minutes to respond to an email, it only takes seconds for a person to respond to a text message. Not only do most people read text messages immediately, but they are also opened 98% of the time. Emails often go ignored or even end up in spam.

Text messaging provides a line of communication to people who want to communicate with you, and mPonics makes it easy. Use mPonics to create a fully customized SMS campaign using artificial intelligence to understand what you need. The mPonics system creates campaigns by the type of lead in just three steps.

Once you have everything set up with mPonics it's easy to set automation workflows and manage your subscribers. Use the dashboard and analytics program to understand and keep track of your campaign. Use SMS to link your customers to other channels your business is on.

SMS is a great way to integrate with other channels. You can use messaging to advertise or use it to connect the customer to your other social media. Surveys are one of the best ways to get immediate feedback from the customer and SMS is an effective way to get people to read surveys that you created with mPonics. SMS has many ways of connecting you to your customers and mPonics helps you do it in the easiest and most effective ways. One of the benefits of SMS is that you aren't just engaging with the customer, but the customer also gets to engage with you.

At the end of the day, it's important to engage your customers in different ways.